Please let me know how you get/got on with Quint. Intrigued but also concerned I’ll let my adoration of Robert Shaw / the book / the film get in the way of enjoying it.

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Ha yes, right up your, er, watery boulevard that one

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I think you will love Juice by Tim Winton

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I loved Breath, so will check that out

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#9 - there is a much bigger discussion to be had around that argument. It's not a this OR that, it's this AND that. All the things need to be happening at all the levels. A good analogy I heard long ago related to this was the concept of "on-ramps". You have to have an on-ramp for someone at every level, to meet them where they are at. It's like a spectrum with beach cleanup on one end and legislation or direct action at the other. There are 100 points in between those 2 where people can get involved and engaged.

The arrows need to be aligned though, pointing at the same target.

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Of course, I agree,

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