I feel so conflicted in my emotions finding out about that new Mike February video but also yeah seeing that amazing Blauschild video again and knowing I will never have the chance to cross paths with him someday.
I guess it is life but yay to conflicting emotions!
Hey Matt
Well done for sorting early access to the Burkard chat!! Front row seat booked!!
Also some interesting stuff on this week’s 10 Things - well done!!
That Embarcadero article reminded me of that good This Old Edge video! Pretty sure you probably shared it but if not, here it is. Or was it in simply magic. https://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/videos/this-old-ledge-embarcadero/#more-videos
I feel so conflicted in my emotions finding out about that new Mike February video but also yeah seeing that amazing Blauschild video again and knowing I will never have the chance to cross paths with him someday.
I guess it is life but yay to conflicting emotions!