The timeline cleansers are fast becoming a Friday morning fave.

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Thanks for highlighting 'Your Favourite Influencers Are Ruining Political Discourse'. It's an accessible intro to some important ideas, and I'm glad to see it picking up some traction here on Substack. Increasingly I believe that the algorithmic structure of social media – particularly its incentives and economic goals, but also how these factors _change_ us – is causing vast damage to society, and particularly politics.

'...the incentives of the attention economy ensure that those who thrive in this space are often performers rather than thinkers.' <– This is going to come back to bite us all in the end...

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Came here for the action sports, stayed for the political opinions.

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Wow, interesting, I can't relate to a feeling of being "Dylan agnostic." I've always felt like he was quite polarizing. His weird voice, his incendiary writing—ya either love him or hate him. I'm sure we're exposed to him in a different way here in America... ANYWAY, I thought the movie was great (thankfully, you don't want to fuck up a Dylan biopic). It was a great encapsulation of a time and place. One thing that struck me was, compared to that grassroots 60s scene in Greenwich Village, how lonely living today feels like. Back then, if you gave a shit about a cause, you had to go find your people and do something about it. Vs now, it's more of a "I'm gonna sit on my couch and post about how I feel" vibes ... so isolating.

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