Very happy to finally get this out in the world in January 2025: THE ANNOUNCEMENT, my new three-part podcast documentary series about Yvon Chouinard’s September 2022 decision to relinquish control of Patagonia and make ‘earth’ the company’s only shareholder.
I’ve spent the last couple of years writing, producing and recording this series, and I’m really proud of it. I’ve spoken to the people at Patagonia behind the decision; as well as World Bank economists, the academic who wrote the book on ‘Woke Capitalism’, and experts in sustainable finance, philanthropic capitalism, and US tax law.
The result is THE ANNOUNCEMENT. Here’s how I’m describing the whole series:
"Earth is our only shareholder.”
In September 2022, Patagonia's billionaire owner Yvon Chouinard relinquished control and made 'earth' the company's only shareholder.
But … what did this actually mean? Why did he do it? What about the scrutiny the company received? And is this really a critical moment in the history of capitalism, as Patagonia believe?
The Announcement is a new three-part podcast documentary series from Looking Sideways, hosted by Matt Barr.
This is a story about legacy, purpose, what we leave behind, and courageous people doing things differently.
It’s about capitalism, democracy, the movement of money, and the history of giving it away.
Above all, it’s about the power of symbolism, and the importance of storytelling when it comes to helping us get our heads around something as vast and conceptual as the climate crisis, and our own role in it.
Above is a trailer - made by the endlessly talented Owen Tozer, and with music by the great Ben Townsend, who wrote the score for the entire series.
I’d be hugely grateful for any help spreading the word with this when the time is right. The main series will be released in January 2025, although this week I’ll be sharing a special panel discussion about the series and its themes, recorded at Kendal and featuring my friends Steve Scott, Phil Young and Lauren MacCallum, exclusively for my Insights subscribers.
Big up to my friends, colleagues and family (especially Alima), who have been so supportive and such brilliant sounding boards as I’ve droned on about this for the past 24 months. And thanks to Patagonia and Gary Regester for the use of the Yvon Chouinard image in the trailer.
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