Looking Sideways
Looking Sideways Action Sports Podcast
Episode 217: Adam Gendle & Johno Verity - Here, Hold My Kid

Episode 217: Adam Gendle & Johno Verity - Here, Hold My Kid

The creative duo on their brilliant new film collaboration with skiers Jackie Paaso and Elyse Saugstad

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I go back 25 years with Adam Gendle and Johno Verity, my guests this week. We met back in the late 90s through snowboarding. But looking back, making things and creativity were equally as important. Music and writing in my case; film-making and art for Gend and Johno.

I’ve had a ringside seat as they’ve developed as artists and film-makers over the last two and a half decades, so to see them have a hit on their hands with their new film Here, Hold My Kid, which they’ve just made with Jackie Paaso and Elyse Saugstad, is a really proud moment.

Here, Hold My Kid has a lot of interesting things to say about motherhood, parenthood, and the different ways men and women are treated in the industry. It’s funny, too.

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And it’s also a really great combination of the pair’s talents, as well as the culmination of all the ideas, dreams, occasional dead-ends, and risks that go into the average creative career.

With all that in mind, it was such a treat to sit down with Johno and Gend to discuss the new film and all of the above. Hope you enjoy our conversation

As ever, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode, so let me know in the comments below.

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Looking Sideways
Looking Sideways Action Sports Podcast
Presented by Matt Barr, Looking Sideways is a podcast about the best stories in skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and other related endeavours.